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Could deadbeat debtor Brantford be next to require an “emergency financial manager”? Hemorrhaging $250 Billion debt denial sideshow since ’94 continues to run costs and interest approaching $1 Trillion at the hands of Mayor Chris Friel who remains in denial

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder starts emergency state takeover of bankrupt #Detroit – to appoint emergency financial manager http://rt.com/usa/michigan-detroit-bankruptcy-manager-270

“There’s probably no city that’s more financially challenged in the entire United States,” Snyder said earlier this month, claiming that the city lacked a plan to reduce its $14 billion debt.

“We need to end the drama and infighting and understand that, whether we like it or not, an emergency financial manager is coming to Detroit,” he said in the statement. “Otherwise, it will be a more elongated and painful process.”

In 1701, the French officer Antoine de La Mothe Cadillac, along with fifty-one additional French-Canadians, founded a settlement called Fort Ponchartrain du Détroit, naming it after the comte de Pontchartrain, Minister of Marine under Louis XIV. France offered free land in order to attract families to Detroit, which grew to 800 people in 1765, the largest city between Montreal and New Orleans. During the French and Indian War (1760), British troops gained control and shortened the name to Detroit. Several tribes led by Chief Pontiac, an Ottawa leader, launched Pontiac’s Rebellion (1763), including a siege of Fort Detroit. Partially in response to this, the British Royal Proclamation of 1763 included restrictions on white settlement in unceded Indian territories. Detroit passed to the United States under the Jay Treaty (1796). Detroit fell to British troops during the War of 1812 in the Siege of Detroit, was recaptured by the United States in 1813 and incorporated as a city in 1815. Today, the insolvent city of Detroit comprises 142.87 square miles and has a shrinking population of approximately 700,000.

On April 19, 1830, 807 acres of land is said to have been ‘purchased’ for five shillings of lawful money of Upper Canada for the site of Brantford. The delivery of a ‘deed’ for this town plot was not made in accordance with the Governor’s Instructions of May 1st, 1812. In fact, the William Kennedy Smith 1,200 acre lease (under a 999-year term) later came to be known as the “Smith and Kirby Tract” of 1300 acres, part of which was located on the site of Brantford. W. K. Smith was the oldest son of John Smith, a loyalist from New York State, who built the Mohawk Chapel. W. K. Smith, magistrate of Brant County, married a sister of Joseph Brant and they had two children, W. K. Smith and Margaret Smith, who married William Kirby.

Burwell’s January 26 1833 survey of the Town Plot of Brantford and surrounding area is attached. It depicts leased and portioned tracts, the MOHAWK VILLAGE, Indian Farms, and Indian Settlements.

The “Kerr Tract” of 6000 acres (999-year Brant lease) Dr. Robert Kerr (1764 – 1824), a military surgeon employed by the Indian Department, married Elizabeth Brant, daughter of Molly Brant. Elizabeth Brant, daughter of Joseph Brant, married Colonel William Johnson Kerr. Both died in 1845. The Kerr Tract was divided into lots and ‘sold’ to early settlers and never surrendered or conveyed pursuant to law.

To my knowledge, the City of Brantford has failed to-date to produce to the Ka-nyen-geh-ha-kah any deed or clear title to any land upon which it now claims which has been conveyed in accordance with the law. In fact, it seems to me that the City (including Mayors past and present) whilst on one hand acknowledges the lawfulness and legitimacy of Mohawk land lease arrears and land claims – that is to say the City admits not paying the Ka-nyen-geh-ha-kah, but on the other hand refuses to accept responsibility for profiting at the expense of the Ka-nyen-geh-ha-kah and their Cantons, blaming others.

The rational appears to be that somehow the Federal and / or Provincial governments carry the city’s fraud, debt and arrears burdens. This whilst even the site of the “Mohawk Village” part of the Eagle’s Nest Tract – which was a focal point for many years, is now claimed to be owned by the City of Brantford and is where the City operates its polluted dump / land fill site, sewage and methane facilities – all directly adjacent to and abutting upon to Her Majesty’s Royal Chapel of the Mohawks, the old Council House, mill, school and about twenty-four log house archaeological sites (which were all located within the village), on the bend of the Grand River. Even the Mohawk burying ground seen on old maps now appears to be paved over – it too, now now claimed to be part of the Corporation of the City of Brantford. The balance of the lands within Eagle’s Nest have succumbed to ‘development’ – or remain too highly contaminated and abandoned. Meanwhile, upstream, business at the City / Provincial casino gaming venture – also on Mohawk lands – remains highly lucrative.

Because of Covenants including promises such as:

“Some of the Mohawks of the Villages of Canojaharie, Tikondarago, and Aughugo, whose settlements than had been on account of their steady attachment to the King’s service and the interests of Government ruined by the rebels; having informed me that my predecessor, Sir. Guy Carleton, was pleased to promise, as soon as present troubles were at an end, the same should be restored at the expense of the Government, to the state they were in before these wars broke out, and said promise appearing to me just, I do hereby ratify the same and assure them the said promise, so far as in me lies, shall be faithfully executed, as soon as that happy time comes.”

– and –

“Whereas His Majesty having been pleased to direct that in consideration of the early attachment to his cause manifested by the Mohawk Indians, and of the loss of their settlement which they thereby sustained– that a convenient tract of land under his protection should be chosen as a safe and comfortable retreat for them and others of the Six Nations, who have either lost their settlements within the Territory of the American States, or wish to retire from them to the British — I have at the earnest desire of many of these His Majesty’s faithful Allies purchased a tract of land from the Indians situated between the Lakes Ontario, Erie and Huron and I do hereby in His Majesty’s name authorize and permit the said Mohawk Nation and such others of the Six Nation Indians as wish to settle in that quarter to take possession of and settle upon the Banks of the River commonly called O:se [Ouse] or Grand River, running into Lake Erie, allotting to them for that purpose six miles deep from each side of the river beginning at Lake Erie and extending in that proportion to the head of the said river, which them and their posterity are to enjoy for ever.”

– and –

On May 1, 1812, the Crown’s duly authorized representative, the Governor-General of Upper Canada issued instruction further regulating the alienation of Indian lands in the then Province of Upper Canada by requiring: (a) that the person administering the government in Upper Canada requisition any Indian lands wanted for public service and identify those lands with a sketch; (b) that all purchases by the Crown be made at a public council according to the ancient usages and customs of the Indians to whom the lands belonged, with proper interpreters present and without the presence of liquor; (c) that the Governor or two persons commissioned by him, the Superintendent of Indian Affairs, two or three members of his Department and at least one military officer be present at the public council; (d) that there be a proper explanation to the Indians of the nature and extent of the proposed disposition and the proceeds to be paid therefore; and (e) that deeds of conveyance and descriptive plans of the lands so conveyed be attached to the deed and be executed in public by the Principle Indian Chiefs and the Superintendent of the Indian Department or his appointee, and duly witnessed.

The Ka-nyen-geh-ha-ka have remained faithful and dutiful allies of the British Imperial Crown over many years of armed conflict in defense of shared territories. This relationship has been recognized and celebrated for centuries, and most recently in a February 13th, 2013 letter received by Ohrerekó:wa, Ka-nyen-geh-ha-ka Wolf Clan Principle Chief from his Ally, Queen Elizabeth II who wished to convey thanks and her good wishes to “the Mohawks of the five Nation Confederacy of which you are principle Chief”. The Queen also acknowledged the Principle Chief’s appeal, expressed her interest, and has undertaken to proceed accordingly as a constitutional monarch acting through her personal representative, the Governor General on the advice of her Canadian Ministers towards resolution given these circumstances.

“But there are bands of the Six Nations Indians located on the Grand river in Ontario who, I maintain, are in a different legal position from any other Indian bands who are native to the country. These Indian bands on the Grand river had their original home in the United States. At the close of the war of the revolution they emigrated to Canada and were given lands under a special treaty, not as subjects of Great Britain, but as allies of Great Britain, and I maintain that the holding of these Six Nations Indians on the Grand river is of such a kind that this parliament has no right to interfere with it.” – Hon. Frank Oliver, M.P., May 11, 1914 [From: House of Commons Debates, Third Session-Twenty-Twelfth Parliament, 4-5 George V., 1914 Hon. Frank Oliver, Liberal MP] Mr. Oliver’s statement was re-stated (for a second time) in the House of Commons Debates Fourth Session-Twenty-First Parliament, 15, George VI, 1951 by John Horne Blackmore (Conservative MP for Lethbridge).

In advance of meetings at Queen’s Park and Ottawa, Ohrerekó:wa’s office wishes to attempt to engage the City of Brantford, and other parties named in proceedings commenced in August by delivery of Lawful Notices of Intent in some meetings in order to induce dialogue. At the very least, the Mohawk workers as Ka-nyen-geh-ha-ka of Grand River and Ohrerekó:wa’s office have asked me to ascertain the position of each of the parties as we move these resolution discussions to our allies, and various levels of government for discussions.

I see that the gravity of Brantford’s clear and present debt / insolvency pressures will only continue to mount and run taxpayers costs and interests into oblivion as this council refuses to accept the facts. The acknowledged 1994 $250 billion arrears figure alone eclipses Detroit’s dismal fiscal outlook by far. Dealing with apartheid “Indian Act” or “Six Nations” fraudulent entities and ignoring the Queen’s recognized ally, a Principle Chief and holder of the Haldimand Proclamation document itself is shameful at best, inexcusable, and at worst even criminal when done with full knowledge and intent.

See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvO8MlXNuao Brantford Councillors are fully informed in Council and provided full documentation of the facts as they pertain to the Grand River Territory lawful claimants and trustees. As you can gather by the end of the video, Mayor Chris Friel failed to follow along, and clearly didn’t even know who was what, or who the Mohawk principle chief actually was. Thankfully, the Queen has this figured out. Remaining totally ignorant to the circumstances surrounding these matters can hardly remain an excuse in order to justify continued defiance and disrespect on the part of the City. Neither secretive ‘in-camera’ meetings, nor the continued denial of basic water service to the Chief’s administration at the visitor’s centre Kanata changes the fact that rent is past due on the part of this council.

Bill Squire to address Brantford Council 7pm RE: Unauthorized Acts / Notices – Accounting Issues: Demand Inclusion

Via facsimile to: 519-759-7840

OCTOBER 22, 2012

Lori Wolfe, City Clerk – Brantford Council – the Corporation of the City of Brantford
100 Wellington Square, P.O. Box 818,
Brantford, Ontario, Canada, N3T 5R7

RE: Unauthorized Acts & Refusal to Comply With Requests for Budget Corporation of the City of Brantford and Accounting for Invoice No. RW 1914011

Dear Councilors,

The ka-nyen-geh-ha-kah (Kanienkahagen) people of the Mohawk Nation of the Ouse / Grand River territory represent the ‘head’ and leaders of the League of Five Nations Confederacy, and are trustees and protectors of the Haldimand Proclamation of 1784 which states the outright ownership to these Mohawks (and such others that wish to follow) of the lands “six miles deep from the mouth to the source of the Grand (Ouse) River”, or the Haldimand Tract. The Kanienkahagen people of the Mohawk Nation of the Ouse / Grand River territory are Onkwehonweh (sovereign, real people) living within the Grand River territory under what some call ‘The Great Law of Peace’. Our land base of nearly 1 million acres (the Haldimand Tract) was proclaimed as a pacrel of our native home territory by the British Crown as a war reparation for our allied military service and loss of our homeland territories in New York State, as we fought for the British in the American Revolutionary War (this reparation is called the Haldimand Proclamation – See: https://rotinonshonnionhwetkanatahere.wordpress.com). We also fought as allies for England during the war of 1812 against the Americans including the “Six Nations Indians”.

The Kanyen’kehake of the Ouse / Grand River Territory are not now, never have been, nor ever will be subject to the influence / manipulation of outside government(s) including evolved arms of such (including elected “Band Council” and other Indian Act creations.

However, our territorial homeland remains subjected to title frauds, encroachments, intrusions, trespasses, corruption and pollution at the unclean hands of belligerent occupants and entities. Impostors and other unauthorized parties have persisted in engaging in unauthorized dealings pertaining to our people and our territorial homeland for many years; indeed these belligerent acts continue to plague our people to this day, notwithstanding the continued best efforts on our part to hold such parties to account and to enjoy life within our territorial homeland unmolested and free from outside intrusions. As allies of the British Crown,

The Kanyen’kehake (Mohawks) of the Ouse / Grand River Territory are to enjoy supreme, independent authority over and within our territory. We have retained power to rule and make law which rests on our “Great Binding Law” or “Great Peace”, and which is proclaimed clearly within the Sir Frederick Haldimand’s 1784 proclamation. Indeed, our “sovereignty” has always necessitated a moral imperative on the Mohawk statesmen to exercise it; as such, we are obliged to assert and maintain our territorial integrity.

On November 27th, 1972, the Crown of England recognized Edwin (Ted) Squire Hill as the newly appointed Chief of the Mohawk Wolf Clan in a letter written by Brigadier General Andre Garneau on the part of Canada’s Governor General. The same letter advised that notice of the appointment was forwarded to the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs in order that it may be “properly registered”. To our knowledge, this constitutes the only current example of a sovereign

Chief being ‘registered’ in this way (i.e. as an ally of the Crown of England – and NOT as a subject or “Indian” under the “Indian Act”).

Accordingly, and in the circumstances, we see our position as being unique – and of great importance.


But there are bands of the Six Nations Indians located on the Grand

river in Ontario who, I maintain, are in a different legal position

from any other Indian bands who are native to the country. These

Indian bands on the Grand river had their original home in the United

States. At the close of the war of the revolution they emigrated to

Canada and were given lands under a special treaty, not as subjests of

Great Britain, but as allies of Great Britain, and I maintain that the

holding of these Six Nations Indians on the Grand river is of such a

kind that this parliament has no right to interfere with it.” – Hon.

Frank Oliver, M.P., May 11, 1914 [From: House of Commons Debates,

Third Session-Twenty-Twelfth Parliament, 4-5 George V., 1914 Hon.

Frank Oliver, Liberal MP] Mr. Oliver’s statement was re-stated (for a

second time) in the House of Commons Debates Fourth

Session-Twenty-First Parliament, 15, George VI, 1951 by John Horne

Blackmore (Conservative MP for Lethbridge).

We wish to formally address our objection to this Council and the City of Brantford’s habitual dealings pertaining to Mohawk Grand River Territory. Further, your objectionable policy of willing and knowingly excluding known Chiefs and the Mohawk Workers from negotiations, decisions and such relevant matters must cease.

Take notice that any and all future meetings set to take place henceforth without our involvement, and indeed all such meetings prior constitute unauthorized dealings if indeed decisions made pertain or pertained to Haldimand Territory issues.

Be assured we intend to use our voice – and our ability to deal with the Crown of England directly as an ally – to address the great injustices and harms perpetrated on native people in order that a peaceful resolution / way forward may be meaningfully forged.

We believe that the time has come for us to set aside matters of division and difference and unite over matters of common interest, purpose and intent and it is clear to us that there is an opportunity for certain government bodies to play a central role in achieving this goal. To be clear, we do not see this as a solely a Mohawk struggle, but one that all Onkwehonweh share from each of our own unique perspectives.

Thank you for allowing us to share ours, and for the opportunity to share our objections to the exclusion of the Mohawk Workers from your Council’s work.

Please take some time to browse our website and to contact Bill Squire or Jason Bowman directly at 519-752-7701 anytime to discuss these matters in greater detail.   It remains our hope that common sense will prevail & the Grand River Mohawks will be invited to participate in decisions relevant to our territory, and be parties to all future negotiations and lobby efforts.

We remain encouraged to see that both our native and non-native allied groups continue to increase in numbers in the past few weeks – each applying pressure in its own ways to effect better adherence to the spirit of the Two-Row Wampum.

Very sincerely,
Jason Bowman (for Bill Squire)


August 30, 2012 Lawful Notice of Intent from the Mohawks of the Ouse / Grand River to Chris Friel of the corporation of the City of Brantford.

September 4, 2012 Letter to Councillor Wrobel RE: Requests for Budget – Corporation of the City of Brantford and Accounting for Invoice No. RW 1914011